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About Us

LGC’s National Laboratories deliver a range of expert science functions and services in partnership with the UK Government, business, healthcare and academia. Our work addresses fundamental and emerging measurement challenges, helping to foster innovation, promoting productivity and economic growth.

As home to many world-leading scientists, LGC’s National Laboratories provide a wide range of expert analytical science services and subject matter expertise to a broad spectrum of stakeholders and global forums.

Our Brand

We manage and operate several national laboratories on behalf of government agencies, to provide measurement excellence for a healthier, safer, greener and prosperous nation.

National Measurement Laboratory (NML): The UK’s designated institute for chemical and bio-measurement, ensuring trust and confidence in the many thousands of chemical and bio-measurements performed each day.

MHRA: The UK’s Official Medicines Control Laboratory (OMCL) for chemical testing and British Pharmacopoeia Commission Laboratory, protecting public health by ensuring that medicines and healthcare products are safe for those who use them.

Government Chemist: Providing impartial dispute resolution as the named referee analyst under several Acts of Parliament to protect the public and responsible businesses and a source of independent and impartial advice for Government on analytical science.

National Reference Laboratories (NRLs): Supporting the UK Competent Authorities and Official Laboratories for GMO and Feed Additive controls under UK legislation and providing validation as part of the official market authorisation process for food and feed to protect consumers.


Our Impact

Our internationally leading research addresses real world challenges and encourages innovation across clinical, food and feed and environmental sectors.

We are helping make potential life changing medicines of the future a reality for patients.

We develop accurate reference methods and quality standards for pharmaceutical and medicinal companies to use, protecting public health.

Many of our testing and calibration services are accredited to the highest standards- we are one of the first laboratories in the world accredited for traceable DNA quantification.

The Government Chemist prevent miscarriages of justice, protecting consumers and legitimate food businesses.

Our skills programmes are training the measurement scientists of the future.

We play a leading role in standardisation of measurements across the world so that, for example, a medical test result obtained in London can be compared directly with test results from hospitals in Sydney, Seattle or Shanghai.

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