Heartland REMC started out as 3 separate distribution cooperatives in 1936; Huntington County REMC, Wabash County REMC, and Wells County REMC. In November 1964, Huntington County REMC consolidated with Wells County REMC and rebranded as United REMC. 50 years later, in 2014, United REMC and Wabash REMC consolidated to form Heartland REMC.
9 counties
15,040 members
2,317 miles of line
6.49 members per mile of line
57 employees
Chief Executive Officer: Colt Burnau
Consumer Services Manager: Marie Hammel
Corporate Communication & Member Services: Nick Caley
Human Resources Manager: Christy Barlow
Chief Financial Officer: William Dye
Engineering and Operation Manager: Eric Laymon
IT Manager: Justin Davidson
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